“David spoke to the men who were standing with him: “What will be done for the man who kills that Philistine and removes this disgrace from Israel? Just who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God? ””
1 Samuel 17:26 HCSB
All the Isrealite armies where terrified of this bold Philistine named Goliath. He was big. He was loud. He kept insulting the Isrealite army. It seemed a lost hope.
Then came David. A young Shepherd who had courage only given by God. He was after all a man after Gods own heart. He was shocked that these Isrealites were fearful of this man. After all hadn't God rescued them all time after time? But fear had set in.
Fear is a tricky little visitor. Often he sneaks in when things are just rolling along smoothly then Wham! Comes some news, or something that throws us off our normal. Our brains start thinking...'this could be bad..' Our friends get in on the action and we all start talking about it...'I don't know if we are going to get out of this one this time...it's bad...' The enemy seems pretty undefeatable.
Then comes David. He hasn't been around all the chatter. He has been with God in the fields. David has been singing praises and trusting God to keep him and his sheep from the wild beasts. He remembers all the great things God has done.
That gives him courage.
So, you know the rest. David uses his sling shot and takes out this enemy with one try!
Don't we have a great God!!!
Instead of listening to the chatter today, if it's with others or yourself, let's focus on God and all He has done. Read the Psalms, David wrote a lot of them, and rejoice with him about all the great things our God has done. THAT will give you courage.