Monday, February 25, 2013


Oh, that their hearts would be inclined to fear me and keep all my commands always, so that it might go well with them and their children forever! (Deuteronomy 5:29 NIV)

I was having some discipline issues with my children and the thought came to me, do they obey me because they should obey me because they love me and believe what I ask of them is for their good Or, do they obey me to get what they want? So I asked them. I am sure you will not be surprised to hear the answer was because they can get what they want. I consoled myself by saying... At least they were honest
But, it got me thinking. Why do I obey my Heavenly Father? Is it to get His peace, blessings, to get the things I want from Him?
The thing is although our children might be able to pull something over on us as parents we are never able to pull something over on our God. He knows.
I found this verse this morning in my quiet time and realized I would have a hard time obeying God in any way, out of love or otherwise without His help. Without His intervention in my daily life I would be a mess. So instead of trying to do it all on my own why not ask for some help from the only one who can help me.
I heard somewhere a preacher say " my only responsibility is to grow to know the Father more every day." That for me is hard enough.
So instead of pulling up my boot straps. And trying my best to be obedient I think I will just relax in His glorious presence and allow Him to work in my life for His glory.