“In the beginning, God....
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning there was God. He created. He organized. He gave instruction.
In the beginning, God
I always pause there.
Because sometimes life gets confusing. Sometimes life gets all out of shape. Sometimes we just need a do over. So we start at the beginning.
We start with God.
Not what you have been told ABOUT God. Not what YOU THINK about God but God. The one who created a perfect world for us to reside in. In the beginning. Before selfishness showed up. Before greed and want were in the picture. Before death.
We have so much information slamming our brains every moment of the day it is hard sometimes to even form your own thought, your own opinion. We get lazy and just accept someone else's thought as our own.
God gave us a roadmap. He gave us a book with wonderful examples in it. Both good examples and bad. Even more than that He gave us himself, born in a humble barn, sacrificed on a cross so that we can have a relationship with Him. God.
He wants us to know Him. He wants us to seek Him. He promises us we will find Him.
Where do we start? In the beginning, God...
No preconceived ideas. Just you and God. He will rock your world.