Monday, July 6, 2015

Connected to God

1Samuel 2:13
For I told him that I would judge his family forever because if the sin he knew about; his sons made themselves contemptible and he failed to restrain them. 

My child is beginning to enter those wonderful teen years. I love watching him turn into his own individual, becoming independent, growing in courage. I desperately want him to grow in the Lord. I know what is ahead of him; decisions, temptations, struggles and opportunity. I want him to know that only by following God, reading His Word and prayer will he be able to navigate this season of His life successfully. 
This verse reminds me that it is also important that I stay connected to God-in His Word and prayer-to help him navigate and be his boundaries for this season of his life. Only God can help me do this. I can only see this tiny picture of our lives, however I know a great God who can see the whole big picture why not trust in Him to guide us both?
I think this is a good reminder for any season of our lives. 
