Monday, July 13, 2015


1 Samuel 12 & 13

1Samuel 13:13
"You acted foolishly," Samuel said. "You have not kept the command the Lord your God gave you; if you had, He would have established your kingdom over Isreal for all time."

Waiting on the Lord can really frusterate our human flesh. We are people of instant gratification. We think it, we want it, we make it happen. We have all the good reasons for not waiting, just like Saul, but we lack wisdom and patience, and ultimately trust. Will God come through?  
God always comes through. 
It's just usually not how and when we think it needs to be done. So why is that?  God is capable, God loves me, God wants what is good for me....
That must be it!  God wants what is BEST for me. He alone knows what is best. We can't see it with our "I want it now' flesh, only when we rest in the Lord can we truly see what Gods best is for us. 
God has never let me down And I  have realized that usually it is me that God is changing, it is me He is working on. It is me He is growing so that I can become closer to Him. 
We can face anything in our lives if we just stay close to the Lord, our comforter, our wisdom, our strength. He will guide us. He will lead us. 
Let us be wise and not act on our own foolishness so that God will establish His kingdom through us for all time. 
